Sunday, April 16, 2006

MirthBlog - Day 2 - Origins ( Part 1)

“Mirth” as a name, first came to my attention in 1984.
Not the book by George Orwell, but the year.
I am now and always have been a comic book geek. Even before I was a computer nerd. I hide it well though. Married with kids and living in middle class suburbia with a sensible job. You wouldn’t be able to spot me in a crowd as the geek I am unless you entered my Inner Sanctum at home.
But I digress….
Back in 1984, and still in my teens, I was reading a comic-book called “Mage” published by Comico and written and drawn by Matt Wagner.
It was/is a modern retelling of the King Arthur myth, and the character that exemplified Merlin had been renamed MIRTH.
This was one of my favourite comic storylines at the time with beautiful art, and although it centred on the hero Kevin Matchstick/King Arthur , the look of the Mirth character and the name especially stuck in my mind.

Over the next couple of years I attended college, dabbled with pen-and-paper RPGs, made early forays into the computing world ( ZX-Spectrums or Commodore 64, at that time I guess ) and by 1986 I was earning cash working in the local comic shop to provide beer money for college. That was the theory anyway. I originally figured that if I read comics in the shop while at work I could save money. What actually happened though , was that I had time to read more diverse titles than I normally would and ended up collecting even more with less spending cash than ever.
To be continued……..

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